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Finding Your Power

Finding Your Power.  This post is worth sharing!  The power is in you…



We can learn so much from others

Leadership Freak

I never met a leader worth their salt that wasn’t angry about something. Anger is easy to feel but hard to express, usefully.

Occasionally, great leaders blow up. It’s recorded that Jesus flew into a public rage twice.

The good side of anger is it gets things done in a hurry.

Public anger:

  1. Gives permission for others to respond aggressively to injustice.
  2. Authorizes the frustrations others feel but seldom express.
  3. Motivates action.
  4. Should be a means of last resort.

Down sides:

Admittedly, anger is dangerous. Blowing up creates fear, instability, clamming up, or blowing up in return. On the other hand, anger held-in leads to feeling helpless and depressed.

Anger rooted in fear and weakness is most dangerous of all. Think of a weak leader’s selfish tantrums over not getting what they want or self-protective attacks directed at perceived threats.

Up sides:

  1. Anger intensifies focus.
  2. Anger at things is easier…

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I Think I Can

Quote of the Day?      sometimes simple is best


I think I can, I think I can, I think I can ….   said the Little Engine That Could!



Einstein- The more you know

The more you know, the more you know you don’t know……       Einstein

Einsteins desk  the day he passed away....

Einstein's desk the day he passed away..

This was a sign on a door to a shop …. unknown author:

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just MAKE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING.

This week’s topic for our Achievement Planner’s school is Accounting.  We only have two hours with these kids, and although they are great listeners, I realize that means twenty minutes of attention.  There are all sorts of quotes and advice on leadership.  There are cool power points on marketing and advertising, the power of words,,,,,etc,.   Any suggestions for accounting?  This is not usually a “fun” topic, yet I feel good accounting techniques and practices are essential to the success of a business.  How do I keep this exciting for 12-18 year olds?

For those of you who are new to this blog, Achievement Planner is a free entrepreneurial school we set up in rural Blue Mound Kansas.     This south-eastern area of Kansas is losing its population to advances in agricultural machinery and opportunities in Kansas City and elsewhere.  We feel the youth are a key resource in bringing back prosperity and growth to our area and we are trying to reach the kids with positive lessons on business and entrepreneurship.   We are sponsoring a Top Business Plan contest and are offering them free help sessions each week.

I told one of the kids who did not have an idea that writing a blog is a good place to find inspiration. I decided to take my own advice and reach out to all of you who have great ideas…,..  any time you have a cool tool, power point, video or quote you would like me to pass on…please send it.

I wish to pass on the brain power to these youths..

Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
David Frost



Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

“What lies behind us,

and what lies before us

are tiny matters

compared to what lies within us.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson


These kids let us know that every time we meet with them at Achievement Planner!